This project aims to develop, demonstrate, quantify, and optimize a novel concept of a sustainable AGF system comprising a closed thermosyphon and a phase-change material (PCM) that serves as a "cold" energy storage. The fundamental notion behind this idea is to creates a unique secondary evaporator and condenser cycle inside thermosyphon which has never been explored before. In winter, a pressurized carbon dioxide with a sub-zero temperature extracts the heat from the ground, at the evaporator, and diffuses it to the cold ambient, at the condenser. The novel and unique feature is the involvement of the PCM storage, which will create secondary evaporation-condensation loops. The PCM area acts as a secondary evaporator, where the working fluid cools down and freezes the PCM in order to store the "cold" energy, as illustrated in the schematic diagram. In summer, on the other contrary, the ambient temperature could rise beyond certain limits where the temperature gradient across the condenser is not large enough to condensate the vaporized fluid. In such scenarios, an automated control valve above the PCM cold storage area should close, forcing the working fluid to disperse its energy into the PCM.
This project aims to develop, demonstrate, quantify, and optimize a novel concept of a sustainable AGF system comprising a closed thermosyphon and a phase-change material (PCM) that serves as a "cold" energy storage. The fundamental notion behind this idea is to creates a unique secondary evaporator and condenser cycle inside thermosyphon which has never been explored before. In winter, a pressurized carbon dioxide with a sub-zero temperature extracts the heat from the ground, at the evaporator, and diffuses it to the cold ambient, at the condenser. The novel and unique feature is the involvement of the PCM storage, which will create secondary evaporation-condensation loops. The PCM area acts as a secondary evaporator, where the working fluid cools down and freezes the PCM in order to store the "cold" energy, as illustrated in the schematic diagram. In summer, on the other contrary, the ambient temperature could rise beyond certain limits where the temperature gradient across the condenser is not large enough to condensate the vaporized fluid. In such scenarios, an automated control valve above the PCM cold storage area should close, forcing the working fluid to disperse its energy into the PCM.
Mahmoud Alzoubi, Sébastien Poncet, Agus Sasmito
Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 192, 2021
Artificial ground freezing: A review of thermal and hydraulic aspects
M. Alzoubi, M. Alzoubi, Minghan Xu, F. Hassani, Sébastien Poncet, A. Sasmito
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol. 104, 2020
Mahmoud Alzoubi, Ali Madiseh, Ferri Hassani, Agus Sasmito
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 139, 2019
Mahmoud Alzoubi, Aurelien Nie-Rouquette, Ali Madiseh, Ferri Hassani, Agus Sasmito
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 143, 2019
Mahmoud Alzoubi, Aurelien Nie-Rouquette, Agus Sasmito
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 126, 2018
Thermal performance optimization of a bayonet tube heat exchanger
Mahmoud Alzoubi, Agus Sasmito
Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 111, 2017