Mahmoud Alzoubi

Ph.D., P.Eng., Assistant Professor

Microfluidic Devices

The growing demand for safer, cleaner, cheaper, substantially smaller, and more energy-efficient processes has boosted the interest in the development of Process Intensification (PI). The latter is a term that is defined by various scientists as a description of the revolutionary approach of miniaturizing the size of any chemical, bio-analytical, or pharmaceutical processes to achieve a certain production objective. The PI approach aims to replace the old, inefficient processes with new, high-performance ones based on products that could not be produced using conventional technologies.

Among other processes in microfluidic systems, the mixing of multiple miscible fluids is the core link in these integrated operations, where micromixers are usually incorporated as crucial components for achieving uniform and rapid mixing. Micromixers offer several advantages, over the counterpart macro-mixing devices, including compact design, high area-to-volume ratio, short mixing time, low risk of contamination, simpler process control, and ease of fabrication.
Schematic diagram of a plain and Gyroid micromixers.
 In this part of my research, we introduce innovative T-shape micromixers equipped with various mathematical-based Gyroid matrices aiming to boost the mixing performance. A regular Gyroid matrix has been adapted into more complicated twisted, functionally graded, and stochastic Gyroid structures to promote a chaotic flow regime. 
Contours of the mass fraction at the outlet of each micromixer at various Reynolds numbers and Sc = 1000.
Further, we highlighted the impact of twisted Gyroid on mixing length as compared to a plain micromixer. The twisted Gyroid mixer with a 41% shorter mixing channel was able to deliver a better mixing performance of 135% as compared to a plain micromixer, which means a more compact design, less material, and less pumping power.
The evolution of the mixing performance of plain and twisted Gyroid mixers at various stages along the mixing channel at Re = 100 and Sc = 1000.


Mixing performance of T-shape micromixers equipped with 3D printed gyroid matrices: A numerical evaluation

Mahmoud A. Alzoubi, Oraib Al-Ketan, Jayaveera Muthusamy, Agus P. Sasmito, Sébastien Poncet

Results in Engineering, 2023

Numerical modeling of a T-Junction static micromixer with a periodic porous architecture

Mahmoud Alzoubi, Oraib Al‐Ketan, Jay Muthusamy, Agus Sasmito, Sébastien Poncet

ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2021), Virtual Conference, Online, 2021

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